我喜歡把問題就先記著,然後走到了某個階段可能蛻變,可能遭遇了甚麼經驗,或者跟誰說了甚麼話,一一與那些累積的問題作對話,簡報裡面除了政治本身還有幾個列點項目之外,還有「說話的方式」,這是我很大的重點,因為那個時候我失語,很長的一段時間迷失在說話與文字與詮釋與定義裡面,然後也任性的就不寫論文了,奧,但這也不是一個理所當然的藉口,讀書的小孩趕快拿到文憑就趕快畢業,錢可以賺得比較多一點,乖。原住民族的知識不被這個主流社會認可,這是多方面且多層次的一句話,最直接的反應在「對話」這件事情上面,有對話就有交流,而有交流就有無限的可能。然後,我感受到說話的方式是很不一樣的,部落的人喜歡用說故事的方式、在情境裡面的方式、在身體行動的方式來訴說,包括狩獵權、太魯閣亞泥、礦業修法等等,那個站上去訴說親身經歷的故事,很深、很細節,每一句都是重點,是人沒有碰觸那個山,視角沒有停在那裏,靈魂沒有留在那裏,就無法說出來的話,「是實際而且心靈而且直覺性的根本」。但是進入到主流社會裡面的論述,要你有理論基礎、依據、有數據,然後列點條列化的重點,才是真正的對話,說話的方式在這裡就產生了斷裂,常常聽到有人說就得期待像我們這樣的青年可以在中間做橋樑、做轉譯,但是在這個相對不同的世界觀系統,「我們要清楚知道自己站在哪裡」是很重要的,沒有誰天生就很清楚知道自己是誰,尤其主流社會抽離了我們很多的文化脈絡,抽離了滋養成長我們gaya與生活智慧的山林土地,抽離了我們對於生活的本質不斷被異化,生活被金錢所豢養,而現實確實也必須在這樣的脈絡繼續努力。那個說話的方式如果沒有辦法有彈性空間做對話的話,被異化的不會只是物質,還有我們自己到下一代再到下一代。那是一種實際且直覺性的說話方式,誰可以在裡面提供依據跟理論?是要去問utux rudan(祖靈)?還是上帝?包括寫論文要有問題定義,然後找依據(還要是有文字書寫出來的依據),然後設計研究方法,然後歸納結論,自我敘事要回應到大社會的理論,那是一種真理的論文結構,不可以改變。But Why?寫出來的東西就是要分享,給更多人能夠使用,寫成文本方便提供給要撰寫論文的學者使用,部落的人又有人會去看呢?或者,我們可以就把論文製作成紀錄片,然後到處播放,然後討論回應,不是非常好嗎?或者,就是敘事,然後把視角停留在所有的感受,然後交織,因為那就是生活與思考的脈絡,不會每一件事情都這麼結構,是直覺性的,然後自抒性的,不然要自我敘事甚麼呢?
上面這篇文章p.16 有一個原住民知識系統和西方科學架構的比較
作者是一個非常著名的原住民研究學者, 在阿拉斯。
第二篇是 Kovach 的文章, 從上面這本書(PDF檔案)的第一章出來, 標題是 Emerging from the margins: Indigenous
何謂原住民知識論在 Indigenous epistemology (epistemology: ways of knowing) 引用的段落是 It includes a way of knowing that is fluid (Little Bear, 2000) and experiential, derived from teachings transmitted from generation to generation by storytelling; each story is alive with the nuances and wisdom of the storyteller (King, 2003). It emerges from traditional languages emphasizing verbs, not nouns (Cajete, 1999). It involves a knowing within the subconscious that is garnered through dreams and vision (Castellano, 2000). It is a knowledge that is both intuitive and quiet. Indigenous ways of knowing arise from interrelationships with the human world, the spirit, the inanimate entities of the ecosystem (Battiste & Henderson, 2000). Indigenous ways of knowing encompass the spirit of collectivity, reciprocity, and respect (Wilson, 2001). It is born of the land and locality of the tribe…It is born of the necessity to feed, clothe, and transmit values. As such the method of knowing must be practical and purposeful. Indigenous ways of knowing are organic with emphasis on reciprocity and humor. These ways of knowing are both cerebral and heartfelt…” (p. 28).
何謂原住民知識論在 Indigenous epistemology (epistemology: ways of knowing) 引用的段落是 It includes a way of knowing that is fluid (Little Bear, 2000) and experiential, derived from teachings transmitted from generation to generation by storytelling; each story is alive with the nuances and wisdom of the storyteller (King, 2003). It emerges from traditional languages emphasizing verbs, not nouns (Cajete, 1999). It involves a knowing within the subconscious that is garnered through dreams and vision (Castellano, 2000). It is a knowledge that is both intuitive and quiet. Indigenous ways of knowing arise from interrelationships with the human world, the spirit, the inanimate entities of the ecosystem (Battiste & Henderson, 2000). Indigenous ways of knowing encompass the spirit of collectivity, reciprocity, and respect (Wilson, 2001). It is born of the land and locality of the tribe…It is born of the necessity to feed, clothe, and transmit values. As such the method of knowing must be practical and purposeful. Indigenous ways of knowing are organic with emphasis on reciprocity and humor. These ways of knowing are both cerebral and heartfelt…” (p. 28).
第三個要介紹的人是 Linda Tuhiwai Smith 紐西蘭毛利(原住民)學者 她的著作在國際原住民學界非常享有盛名 常被引用 最著民的書是 Decolonizing Methodologies (解殖民方法學)感謝主 網路上竟然有本書的全文掃描耶!!!https://nycstandswithstandingrock.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/linda-tuhiwai-smith-decolonizing-methodologies-research-and-indigenous-peoples.pdf
可以先看第八章 Twenty-five Indigenous projects 談到原住民研究和實踐的特色